Thursday, October 29, 2015

Turning Milk into Plastic-Another Easy Science Experiment

So today's science experiment is something so easy, that a cow could have made it itself if it wanted to. We are making plastic from milk.

Now for me, this was a really weird experiment. I thought "there is no way that is possible". Well, it sort of is to an extent. So here is the rundown:

You will need:

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 4 teaspoons of white vinegar (distilled is fine)
  • a pot for heating the milk (or heat it in the microwave: about 1:30 sec)
  • a mixing bowl
  • a strainer 
  • food coloring (if you want some colors)
So first start out heating the milk. You don't want it to boil, just enough to get it hot to the touch. From my research, it seems that doing this helps to start breaking down the whey in the milk before adding the vinegar. The heat also gives the casein protein a chance to form into a solid structure once the vinegar is added. 
After heating place the milk into a bowl and add any food coloring you wish. I used red in mine. Put in more than you think, It will take about 6 drops. (liquid color works best)
Mix that together and then add your 4 teaspoons of vinegar. Stir constantly for 1 minute.
The whey and casein will separate and then you are ready to strain.
Put the mixture through a strainer and run some water over the casein protein mixture. 

You are now ready to mold it any way you want. Once you have your desired shape. Let it sit for at least 6 hours or more (overnight is better) until it has hardened into a plastic or rock like substance.

And there you go. Milk has now been turned into plastic.

You can watch me make some below.

Until the world revolves again...B

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Halloween thus Far

Halloween is by far my favorite time of the year. Most people would probably cringe at those words, call me a Santa hater, and dump all their Thanksgiving stuffing out onto my lap. Well, those people can go ahead and do just that because Halloween is my favorite part of the year and I have a very important reason why.

So lets go back to 1992, that was a great year, at least I suppose since I wasn't born yet. But patience people, because on October 31, 1992 I entered the world with my twin brother sometime around 10:30. So yes, I am a Halloween baby and I am proud of it. When the day rolls around, I not only got to go trick-or-treating, but I got to eat cake and party with my friends. Yes, Halloween is the best time of year because it is the day I turn another year older.

Honestly, I could think of no better way to get older. It is the perfect day to forget about being old and just revel in being young and having fun. On Halloween, you can be anything you want. So forget about your boring life, what you might be stressing about, and just live the day like it was intended. Acting like a crazy person and scaring all the demons away from a bountiful harvest.

I have had a great Halloween thus far. It has encompassed movies such as Hocus Pocus, (a classic of course) pumpkin decorating (which I haven't done in years) and eating tons of candy (almond joys!!). I have yet to secure a costume and maybe I am a bit too late, but oh well.  If you want to check out some of my videos on Halloween check them out below.

Well, I think that is all of them.

Until the world revolves again...B

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Youtube

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ghost Rockets For Halloween Fun!!--Science Experiments

As usual I am always going to find something fun to do. Of course that something would have to including lighting an object on fire. Don't worry, though, this is all in good scientific fun, and let's be honest, you are not a scientist unless you set something on fire!!!!

This btw is very kid friendly so don't shy away just because of the fire

SO this experiment is making little ghost rockets in honor of the season of Halloween that is quickly approaching. If it looks fun to you, then I have great news. It's a blast. I have never had more fun sending pieces of ash up into the air than I have doing this experiment. So here is everything you need.

  • Teabags (the thicker the bag the better it will work)
  • Sharpie or marks a lot
  • Scissors
  • matches or lighter
  • a plate (or solid non-flammable surface)
start by cutting open your tea bags where the fold meet at the top. Once cut, empty the package of all tea leaf material. (You dont want that stuff burning!!)

Time to draw on the faces, Use you sharpie to create whatever you like, spooky face or not. 

Once that is done place it on the plate or non-flammable surface and light it up.
Your Ghost should take off into the air and extinguish itself right before your eyes!!!

It is something to see to believe and it is so fun you will want to do it again and again. Trust me I know I am an adult man and I could not get enough of this!! Who needs tea anyway (unless you are a Brit)

To be fair, I did use my least favorite tea packages. Check out the video below for my instructions and a demonstration.

Until the World revolves again....B

For more of my crazy life and ideas, 
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How I Fail At Life--A Look At Where I Am Right Now

Yeah, that title may seem a bit harsh but I really don't know what else to say. So I know I haven't written in awhile and if you are curious to know why, you can check out my YouTube channel where I have been slowly but surely riding and endless train to nowhere.

I am very harsh on myself so let's just get that out of the way and talk about how I fail at life.

After nearly a year since completing one of the biggest milestones of my life, College. I have yet to find a suitable and sustainable job. It is not for lack of trying, though, I have put resumes and cover letters out to nearly any position that remotely looks like what I majored in, plus receptionist jobs, but that is a bit weird for me since I am a guy (but I still applied). I have heard back from a few of them and many with the same answer. "Thank you for showing interest in our company but we went with someone more suitable for the job. Good luck on your job search."

Okay, that is like the equivalent of getting stabbed, and I have been stabbed repeatedly. I always wonder how someone like myself cannot seem to get a job at all. I worked so hard in college achieving a 3.8 GPA. It is like nothing I did even mattered. I look to the internet to calm my nerves, but all I see is people either talking about how they are so happy to have a job they love or how they couldn't find a job and had to go into something that they never wanted to do.

I know, I sound ungrateful. At least you went to college and have a degree. Why not take a job serving coffee? Where are your priorities? You need money!!

Look I can stare down so many people and spout how I want to do what I love but no matter what, I always get that crap. I am tired of waiting for my dreams, I want them.

So I started a YouTube channel because I wanted to make videos. It was at least close to what I went to school for. (Broadcast Communications) I started making vlogs and got views from some people, then I began eating candy, which garnered a lot of attention from the Germans. German candy video has 11,000 plus views. I enjoy that, and I love hearing what people have to say, but now, It is so overwhelming to make any videos that people want to watch. I don't understand how stupid people can get millions of views and I can't get more than 30 on a video with decent content. Yes, I know about SEO and all that other great stuff people use to get views. I just wanted to do what I love, but now I have no idea what I am doing anymore. I almost feel like I have no purpose, along with no career, no friends, and certainly no creativity.

So much for being happy.

Don't worry though. If you are interested, I am still going to be working on my YouTube channel. I needed to rant about my situation. If I keep everything bottled up, I inevitably will explode (silently though)

Until the world revolves again (hopefully sooner rather than later)...B

Thursday, October 8, 2015

What the Heck's an Oobleck--Cool, Simple Science Experiement Lvl. 1
Alright little scientists, strap your goggles on and get ready to mix some chemicals because we are going full on Frankenstein today. Okay well maybe not that far but we sure are going to make one heck of a fun science experiment that you will feel like "ITS ALIVE"

So my challenge today was to create something called Oobleck. Now, you ask what is oobleck, is it some strange Norwegian pop band or something. Well, no. (that is a cool name idea though) Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid which just means that it is something that is neither a solid nor a liquid. It also happens to be the easiest thing that I have ever created.

The name comes from Dr. Seuss of course. In one of his stories, which I didn't bother to really read, a king or emperor of some sort wants to change the weather and in his attempts comes up with something called Oobleck, not solid and not liquid. Anyhoo, the stuff is really a big mess, but it is honestly a lot of fun. I have played with it since I was little and who would have thought it had a name like Oobleck. I sure didn't.

So the mixture can be both solid and liquid at certain points in its existence. If the mixture has even pressure, the force on it creates a solid mass and when something is not pushing against it, the mixture loses its structure and becomes viscous. It is really cool to work with and can really give any child no matter what age tons of fun.

Literally, I am almost 23 and I played with it for like an hour.

The best part is that it is easy to make and easy to clean. Watch the video below and make your own Oobleck, all you need is:

  • All Natural cornstarch/cornflour (depending on where you are from) 
  • Water (that's H20 for all you scientists)
  • A bit of food coloring (add color, mix different batches for a bit of color fun)

Hope you guys have fun making this...I sure did :D

Until the world revolves agian...B

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Youtube.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Popin Cookin Sushi Edition--Another week on the DIY candy

So I forgot to post that I ate another Popin Cookin, but can you blame me really? I have been busy, I guess. Busy can mean a lot of things to different people, for me it's the fact that I get sidetracked really easily (like goldfish level, I am a pro). Not only that but I also hosted a college friend last night and most of my evening and my morning for that matter [no video today. :( ]

So that aside, I did try another Popin Cookin, and this time we went full on Japanese. That's right, I am talking the one, the only. Sushi!! Now I love sushi, it would be evident if you knew me, but since we don't know each other maybe it is time we took our relationship to the next level and you hit that subscribe button to your right. Or you know you could just keep reading and ignore every impulse to make your life better. But that is your life, not mine. seriously hit the button.........I love you?........too much?.......moving on then.

Anyway. The box, unlike previous Popin Cookin kits, was fairly easy to assemble. It had like three items to make and they literally were just pour, stir, and assemble. I love when something is that easy, especially when videoing it. Trust me, it is a lot easier to edit and I don't look like an idiot when my hands are flying all over the camera frame because I have no idea how to read instructions. It's like they are in Japanese or something...psht!

The one thing I really liked about the kit though is the cool food chemistry element that is provided. So like with all sushi, there is the need for some salmon roe or some other type of fish eggs, but with candy, what could you possibly use. I know sprinkles would be easy, but Kracie thought of something better, something with a little science. So long, long story short, the orange mix goes into a dropper that is then dispensed into a solution that congealed the outside and leaves the inside nice a liquidy. They are the coolest things to eat and so much fun to make.

On a sidenote, I might have to do some food chemistry soon. I love science so much and when you can eat it, it is so much better!!

So if you are interested in seeing me make this sushi kit, the video is below. You can also see what i think of the final product as with every Popin Cookin vid, I give a taste test!!

Until the world revolves again....B

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Youtube

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Its October, and That Means Halloween!--Facts and Fun Adventures

Photo Source:
It's October!! Yes finally. We can all take a deep breath and suck in all the candy corn that just piled its way on to our supermarket shelves. Halloween has always been a great holiday in the Americas and now it is spreading all over the world. For those of you that don't know, (you poor pitiful souls) Halloween is a very westernized rendition of an old pagan holiday that celebrate the cycle of life and death.

While nowadays, we don't celebrate the life and death cycle, we still make light of the frightening idea that are spooks and specters.

While all of you out there are picking out your sexy nurse outfit, I am busy trying to think of what I am going to do for my birthday. Yes, you read that correctly, BIRTHDAY!! I was born on the best day of the year (sorry Christmas) I get cake, presents, and candy all in one day. I know, be jealous.

So of course since I am one of the many masters of Halloween having been born on the day when the veil is thinnest, I have decided to talk about my favorite parts of this haunted holiday. We also travel to a cemetery for a little bit of fun. (good fun only) Flowers for the dead kind of fun. YAY!  You can watch me do that in the video below.

Don't forget to send me some gifts for my Birthday!! You wouldn't want to upset someone who is close with the spirits would you? I think not. (My address is on the About Brian page)

All in good fun though! I can't wait to go trick or treating!! Give me some suggestions on this years costume and let me know what you are going as. This should be fun!!

Until the world revolves again...B

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube.