Thursday, October 29, 2015

Turning Milk into Plastic-Another Easy Science Experiment

So today's science experiment is something so easy, that a cow could have made it itself if it wanted to. We are making plastic from milk.

Now for me, this was a really weird experiment. I thought "there is no way that is possible". Well, it sort of is to an extent. So here is the rundown:

You will need:

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 4 teaspoons of white vinegar (distilled is fine)
  • a pot for heating the milk (or heat it in the microwave: about 1:30 sec)
  • a mixing bowl
  • a strainer 
  • food coloring (if you want some colors)
So first start out heating the milk. You don't want it to boil, just enough to get it hot to the touch. From my research, it seems that doing this helps to start breaking down the whey in the milk before adding the vinegar. The heat also gives the casein protein a chance to form into a solid structure once the vinegar is added. 
After heating place the milk into a bowl and add any food coloring you wish. I used red in mine. Put in more than you think, It will take about 6 drops. (liquid color works best)
Mix that together and then add your 4 teaspoons of vinegar. Stir constantly for 1 minute.
The whey and casein will separate and then you are ready to strain.
Put the mixture through a strainer and run some water over the casein protein mixture. 

You are now ready to mold it any way you want. Once you have your desired shape. Let it sit for at least 6 hours or more (overnight is better) until it has hardened into a plastic or rock like substance.

And there you go. Milk has now been turned into plastic.

You can watch me make some below.

Until the world revolves again...B

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