Thursday, October 8, 2015

What the Heck's an Oobleck--Cool, Simple Science Experiement Lvl. 1
Alright little scientists, strap your goggles on and get ready to mix some chemicals because we are going full on Frankenstein today. Okay well maybe not that far but we sure are going to make one heck of a fun science experiment that you will feel like "ITS ALIVE"

So my challenge today was to create something called Oobleck. Now, you ask what is oobleck, is it some strange Norwegian pop band or something. Well, no. (that is a cool name idea though) Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid which just means that it is something that is neither a solid nor a liquid. It also happens to be the easiest thing that I have ever created.

The name comes from Dr. Seuss of course. In one of his stories, which I didn't bother to really read, a king or emperor of some sort wants to change the weather and in his attempts comes up with something called Oobleck, not solid and not liquid. Anyhoo, the stuff is really a big mess, but it is honestly a lot of fun. I have played with it since I was little and who would have thought it had a name like Oobleck. I sure didn't.

So the mixture can be both solid and liquid at certain points in its existence. If the mixture has even pressure, the force on it creates a solid mass and when something is not pushing against it, the mixture loses its structure and becomes viscous. It is really cool to work with and can really give any child no matter what age tons of fun.

Literally, I am almost 23 and I played with it for like an hour.

The best part is that it is easy to make and easy to clean. Watch the video below and make your own Oobleck, all you need is:

  • All Natural cornstarch/cornflour (depending on where you are from) 
  • Water (that's H20 for all you scientists)
  • A bit of food coloring (add color, mix different batches for a bit of color fun)

Hope you guys have fun making this...I sure did :D

Until the world revolves agian...B

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