Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Halloween thus Far

Halloween is by far my favorite time of the year. Most people would probably cringe at those words, call me a Santa hater, and dump all their Thanksgiving stuffing out onto my lap. Well, those people can go ahead and do just that because Halloween is my favorite part of the year and I have a very important reason why.

So lets go back to 1992, that was a great year, at least I suppose since I wasn't born yet. But patience people, because on October 31, 1992 I entered the world with my twin brother sometime around 10:30. So yes, I am a Halloween baby and I am proud of it. When the day rolls around, I not only got to go trick-or-treating, but I got to eat cake and party with my friends. Yes, Halloween is the best time of year because it is the day I turn another year older.

Honestly, I could think of no better way to get older. It is the perfect day to forget about being old and just revel in being young and having fun. On Halloween, you can be anything you want. So forget about your boring life, what you might be stressing about, and just live the day like it was intended. Acting like a crazy person and scaring all the demons away from a bountiful harvest.

I have had a great Halloween thus far. It has encompassed movies such as Hocus Pocus, (a classic of course) pumpkin decorating (which I haven't done in years) and eating tons of candy (almond joys!!). I have yet to secure a costume and maybe I am a bit too late, but oh well.  If you want to check out some of my videos on Halloween check them out below.

Well, I think that is all of them.

Until the world revolves again...B

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