Tuesday, December 15, 2015

DIY Lemon Tea--Using the Whole Fruit

This DIY project is pretty self-explanatory, take some lemons and use them to make tea.  I knew I wanted to save money from buying already pre-packaged tea. That stuff can be very expensive and sometimes, you can't even find simple tea flavors. I know I have searched the supermarket tea aisle for something that was just lemon tea flavored for at least 10 minutes before giving up.
So with that,  I wanted to know if just taking it upon myself to make my own tea would work, and could I make it taste great?

So what would I use, Fresh or dried? Of course, if you can make tea from dried lemons, the flavor is often very concentrated and perfect for a cup of tea, but I didn't have time for drying lemons. (maybe later) But I learned that you can make it from fresh ones too.

Here is a video that I made showing how to make lemon tea two ways, one using the entire fruit and the other using just the peel. It was cheap and easy to make, and trust me, it tastes pretty good too.

All you need is: 

boiling water
sugar (honey can be substituted)

Take a look:

Until the world revolves again.....B

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