Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Let the Popin Cookin Begin--My Journey through DIY Candy

It seems so many people are obsessed with this Popin Cookin stuff. Every time I turn around, there are more and more YouTube videos talking about it or showing viewers how to make it. It was driving me crazy to see so many people buying and making videos with this product that I knew I had to get some to try for myself.

I almost cringed at the price of buying these overly glamorized pour and stir Japanese candies. I could imagine spending 41 dollars to have some rushed shipped to me so that I could make a video to upload to YouTube. I thought it was a waste of money. Hey, it might still be, but here is hoping that I eat my words like DIY fancy cake.

I made the choice to go for it and I got my shipment in rather quickly. If you have been to my blog before, then you would know that my channel is all about candy and that yesterday I talked about my 9 week long series of Popin Cookin that started today. The first choice in the PC adventure series is The Bento Box. You can see the video below.

For those that don't know, a Bento box is usually a form of takeaway meal that can be made at a restaurant or from home. It consists of a meat, usually fish or pork and some different accompaniments like rice, noodles, or cooked vegetables. The difference with Popin Cookin is that all of these items are made from candy.

Now for those of you that have tried Popin Cookin, I want to know your thoughts. I don't find that this DIY candy making is too hard, aside from the fact that everything is in Japanese. The pictures on the carton are easy to understand and mixing and molding food is honestly really fun. I see people always freaking out about the packets or which mixing compartment to use, but I feel like that is all for the show. I had really no problem with the assembly, the only thing I didn't like was how the packaging would be made into the container that the candy sits in. It was too complicated for me, but I still managed. If you watch the video, you will be able to see what I mean.

In the end, the Bento box was so fun to create. There was a rice panda candy along with spaghetti, gummy broccoli and squid. There were plenty of other things and I was really pleased to see the variety. It was a taste of fun from Japan and I couldn't be happier with my purcharse. Make sure if you want to see more of my Popin Cookin adventure to check out my YouTube Channel and Subscribe. You can do that by clicking the subscribe button to your right.

Until the world revolves again...B

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